About us
The Haute Traversée de Belledonne GR® 738, otherwise known as the Sentier des bergers for its pastoral character, is a full crossing of the Belledonne range that can be done in 11 days to explore the mountain pastures.
This integral crossing can also be done partially (north, center or south part). Around the crossing, there are also two Tours de Pays: the Tour du Pays d'Allevard and the Tour of the 7 Laux lakes.
Pratical information
Activities on site
- Cumulative elevation 11000 m
- Distance 127km
Recommended equipment per day:
♦ Hiking shoes
♦ Depending on the weather: a hat or cap, sunscreen, sunglasses and/or rain gear, walking sticks, meat bag, flashlight, toiletries, warm fleece, hat if the weather is bad. fresh, (windproof, Gore-Tex, …)
♦ Backpack with water bladder or 2 liter water bottle
♦ Snacks