About us
ffvl site n°: 73D027A, Orientation: S, GPS coordinates: 45°31'46''N - 06°15'10''E, altitude: 1300 m
Paraente take-off site, hang-gliding located in the town of Montendry.
Observations/Dangers: Favorable flying conditions in a breeze - Be careful exiting from the Combe de Montendry at random in strong northerly winds and moderate southerly winds.
Nice afternoon and evening flights, steady valley breeze - Make good progress on the last ridge in the direction of Chamoux.
Access/maps: TOP 25 3432 OT, From Chamoux, take the direction of Montendry, then follow the D26 to the summit. Landing: Chamoux-sur-Gelon (elevation 1000m)
Pratical information
Activities on site
Contact & Access
73390 Montendry